playing with the backdrop and Officer Asher shoot. The girls had to get in on the action too. I love their faces and poses, my neice too was put through the bossy photographer experience. finding the balance between mom and image maker is a hard task.
later that night we had an amazing sunset that was a challenge to get the settings for white balance just so to get the vivid and luminosity of the colours. sometimes when i don’t have my camera with manual settings it is so hard to capture the colours accurately, so i just put down the phone or point and shoot and take it in. a deep breathe and try to feel the colours and light, the scene or the emotions. sometimes i forget that its not about capturing a moment in a photograph but about experiencing the beauty of the moment before the lens. i lost my camera the week before my first international trip. i had got a passport for the first time and couldn’t wait to get it stamped. i felt vulnerable embarking without my camera. i know i tend to hide or translate the scene through my camera, without it i was at a loss as to how to proceed with this trip. i decided i would get to frustrated with a point and shoot and there was not enough time to order a camera and have it shipped so i would have experience this trip with my senses. till this day i can smell the waters of sliding rock in Samoa. the scents, light, people, noises are joyful memories. maybe if we try to really experience and be absolutely present in the moment we find ourselves in we will embrace the experience before us. until then i will fiddle with settings and meters as the sun sets to take a picture that ends up in a catalog…. i always felt that God painted sunsets for me. I feel His love when i really take them in. finding that balance between the art and science of experiencing a scene is a journey!